Moving to a domain! =D!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello everyone! I have good news and bad news....

The bad news is I have decided to no longer write at this blog....but because I got a domain! While this will mostly be about photography, I will also put my makeup reviews up there as well! It saddens me to no longer write here on the Fashion Fox blog, but I also feel I needed to go the next step! I needed to be taken seriously! And so I did!!!!! I hope you enjoy and follow! I will still try to follow all of you! I love and cherish you all so much =)

Opening of my home studio!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hi everyone! Geeze it's been a very long time....I know, and I'm really sorry for that!! I had so much happening! First, we bought a house!! Zac and I are now homeowners!!! ^_^! But we closed on the house a week after I had surgery. GASP!!! What was that? Yes, I had surgery. I had a lemon sized tumor in my right hand palm. It took over my thumb tendons, and I had to have a tendon transplant. I am still recovering from this, but able to work on my photography. Yes....I am officially a pro-photographer!!! Mainly my expertise is in newborn and child portrait photography!! You can see all my work at !!! But below is some of my work =)!

I just have been so busy...and my makeup has not been all that interesting seeing as I haven't really played with it other than some natural looks I wear with my NAKED2 palette. I'm sure I'll update more with photography sessions, and recent favs that I have. I will def do a review about my mimi lens that I got on sale! 11.95 at pinkyparadise when they had their 50% new year sale. But now I have to go, I have a passed out boyfriend at the couch who probably would like a nice warm bed instead.

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