Neo Vision Dali extra grey and masks!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hi everyone! It's been a while, I've been busy back at work, and it was my birthday, which happened to fall on father's day too!! I also want to apologize again because of the sweet  comments I receive on my blog, but for some reason blogger won't let me respond!!! Does anyone know what could be the cause of this?? Anyways back to the important part of this blog.

So to celebrate my birthday, I ordered Neo Vision Dali extra grey lens and some face masks!!

Comfort-10/10! These are the MOST comfortable lens that I have EVER purchased. They don't even start bothering me until 8 hours +!!!
Enlargement-7/10 but this isn't a bad thing. They are a VERY natural looking lens. And they do make your eyes appear slightly larger because of the dark outer circle.

All in all, I wear these a lot now. They never bother my eyes, and I get a lot of compliments for them. My boyfriend also likes them the most because they don't look unnatural lol.

Now I also got some face masks, Face Q Red Pomegranate & CoQ10 Mask,Limited Edition! My Beauty Diary Hello Kitty Hello Kitty Honey Strawberry Mask and Bulgarian White Rose. I have only used the Hello kitty honey strawberry one.
The mask really did make my face feel nice and moisturized. Buuuut the smell was VERY disappointing. It smelled a lot like home made apple wine. Which if you have never had home made apple wine, it is very smelly, and a lot of fermintation(is that the word I'm looking for?) Almost like a yeast smell. But like I said, I noticed instantly the whitening.

Along with this, I bought some jewelry, not all of it has came in, but my new favorite earrings that I wear all the time came in. Betsey Johnson golden koi earrings!!!
Don't mind the horrible chipped nail job =S. But these are soooooo cute! I wear them as though they are swimming down from my ear. They have to be one of my favorite gifts!!
I also received L.A. Noire from Zac for my birthday, so my days off have been actually working as a detective hahahaha. But once again, sorry for the lack of updates!! And like I said, if anyone knows how the heck I can fix my comments to where I can reply, please let me know! It's not me ignoring you guys honestly! =)

hair cut!! And vacation!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello everyone! I am excited to let everyone know that I cut my hair really short....again! hahahaha.

so what do ya think? =D! I got the hair cut picture from!

Similiar, but my hair type is a little different, and my bangs are def a lot different lol. Oh well I still love what the result was!! Super cute!!

I really have no review here today, and I'm getting ready to go to Branson for the weekend! So I'm sure I'll have lots to post about!

Last weekend was Zac's birthday. We had a quiet night out at the bar with his dad and stepmom.
Yeah. I decided to pounce him for a random iphone snap!

And now I leave you with some of my iphone photography! =D

Oooh I love that kitten. I want to call him Spunky! Well on that note, it's almost time for me to take Zac to Kohl's. Oh, does anyone have any suggestions on what circle lens I should get next for my birthday? It's coming up, and I thought that would be a nice gift to myself. =).

I leave you with many pictures of me dressed as Marvel heroes. Enjoy!

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